कुत्ते की दुम १२ साल किसी नली (पाइप) में दबा कर रखो, निकलेगी फिर भी टेढ़ी ही रहेगी! यही हाल ज़ी टी वी वालों का है, इसका मालिक सुभाष चन्द्र आर एस एस का कार्यकर्ता है, सोच तो वही रहेगी!
अब क्या सिख लोग आग के चारों ओर चक्कर लगाते हैं अर्थात क्या सिख अग्नि की पूजा करते हैं? तो जवाब होगा नहीं! उनका धर्म किसी हिन्दू देवी देवता को नहीं मानता, वे सिर्फ सर्वव्यापक और सर्वशक्तिमान परमात्मा की ही आराधना करते हैं! लोहड़ी किसी धर्म का त्यौहार नहीं है, यह मौसमी है जिसे उत्तरी भारत के सभी धर्मों के लोग मनाते हैं लेकिन अपने अपने धार्मिक रीति-रिवाज़ों से!
फिर भी अपने एक काल्पनिक नाटक 'कुमकुम भाग्य' में लोहड़ी की अग्नि के चारों और भविष्य में बंधने वाले जोड़े चक्कर लगा कर अग्निदेव का आशीर्वाद लेते हैं तो इन जोड़ों में एक सिख जोड़े को भी अग्नि के चारों ओर चक्कर लगाते दिखाया गया जो वास्तव में सिख धर्म के विरुद्ध है लेकिन कुत्ते की दुम की तरह ये भी अपने किसी न किसी नाटक में इन सिखों को हिन्दू रीति-रिवाज़ करते हुए दिखाने से बाज़ नहीं आते! आखिर रहेंगे तो वे ही!
ऐसा आज २६ जनवरी के इनके एपिसोड में देखने को मिला !
ऐसा आज २६ जनवरी के इनके एपिसोड में देखने को मिला !
इन मूर्खो को २१वीं शताब्दी में भी १७वीं शताब्दी की महत्वपूर्ण घटना (१६९९ की वैसाखी को खालसा सृजना) नज़र नहीं आती और न्यूज़ चैनल चलाते हैं?
क्या जानकारी दे पाएंगे ये अपने दर्शकों को?
If the tail of a dog is kept tight in a pipe for 12 years and taken out, it will be found turned as ever. the same attitude is of ZEE TV. The owner of this channel is an activist of saffron terrorist group RSS.
Whether the Sikhs circles the fire like Hindus i.e. whether Sikhs worship fire like Hndus? than the answwer will be -NO. But the foolish directors of this TV Channels projects Sikhs doing hindu rituals and worship Hindu deities/Gods. The worship of any Hindu god is forbidden in Sikh religion. They firmly believe in Sri Guru Granth sahib ji and the omni-present Akal purakh only.
Lohri is not a festival of any religion but a seasonal fest, celebrated by northern indians of all religions but by their own customs and faith.
Even then, in a TV serial KUMKUM BHAGYA, some would be couples were shown circling fire in the hope of their good fortune and committment (in presence of fire God), out of these couples, a Sikh couple is lso shown circling fire of lohri which directly violates Sikh code of conduct but like the tail of dog, the ZEE TV group always projects Sikhs doing hindu rituals or worshipping their mythological gods. Afterall they will never change their behavior like said dog.
This was evident in today's 26th January-15 episode at 9.00 pm.
These fools seems unaware of the important hiostorical event of REATION OF KHALSA in the end of 17th century but run the TV Channel.
If they are unaware than how could they provide any correct information to their audiences, a question arises?
If they are unaware than how could they provide any correct information to their audiences, a question arises?
In this serial a Sikh girl loves a Hindu boy who brings a wedding procession to marry her but his madness to go to London stops him to marry her, he just disappears and wedding doesn't take place. Then after some time she gets married with the selection of her parents --- again a clean shaved boy and she insisits to go to London where she finds here first love but the story goes on in madness in these three, then she is shown back in india where she is pregnant.
In further story she goes to a Dargah (Sikh girls do not go to Mulim Dargahs). Its also violation of Sikh Code of conduct but ZEE Tv is just concerned to defame sikhism and it conduct which is the best in a human's life. Both the boys are mad in love with her and are ready to accept by knowing well of her pregnancy. The ZEE tv is just spoiling the culture of India not only the Sikh religion.
One can just feel ashamed of these characters, story writer, director and producers and say---to hell with them and the ZEE TV
Are Sikh marriages in India solemnised as per the Hindu Marriage Act? If so, then the following ruling of the Delhi High Court puts these marriages in trouble. Read below...
Court observes Hindu-non-Hindu marriages not legally bound
Nayar-Hurley-like marriages not valid in India: Delhi HC
Pratap Patanik, New Delhi, Dec 30, DHNS:
If Liz Hurley's tweets on her split with Arun Nayar are true, then she would rather not approach Indian courts for divorce.
For as per a Delhi High Court ruling on Thursday, any marriage between a Hindu and a non-Hindu or between two non-Hindus solemnised according to the Hindu customs is not legally bound as per the Hindu Marriage Act.
Liz Hurley is a born Christian and hence her marriage with Arun Nayar, held amid great fanfare at Umaid Bhavan Palace three years ago, isn’t valid in the eyes of the Indian law. The case is the same for the flamboyant ceremony as per Hindu rites held at Ranthambore in October this year that wedded Hollywoodian Russell Brand to pop star Kate Perry. Both Perry and Brand are born Christians.
“Mere fact that the parties had solemnised the marriage as per the Hindu rites and ceremonies would not attract the applicability of the Hindu Marriage Act, as the mandate of the law is that marriage has to take place between two Hindus,’’ said Justice Kailash Gambhir.
“A mere theoretical allegiance to the Hindu faith by a person born in another faith does not convert him into a Hindu, nor is a bare declaration that he is a Hindu sufficient to convert him to Hinduism.
“The conversion from one religion to another religion is a very major decision in one’s life and for proving such a conversion, it is incumbent upon the appellant to place on record complete facts and documentary material, if any, to satisfy the court that based on such facts and supporting material, the appellant had undergone change of religion,’’ Justice Gambhir said.
Going by this court ruling, if the partners are not Hindus at the time of solemnising the marriage as per Hindu rites, they cannot file for divorce under the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, of 1956. The court was hearing the petition filed by Sangeeta, who had sought divorce from her husband Preston Gomes, a Christian by birth, under the Hindu Marriage Act.
Both Sangeeta and Gomes had their marriage solemnised at the Arya Samaj Mandir in New Delhi on November 24, 2007 after a courtship of a couple of years, according to Sangeeta’s advocate Manoj Kumar Srivastava. Sangeeta used to work at a media house in Noida and Gomes was an electrician.
The dispute arose after Gomes allegedly indulged in criminal activities following which Sangeeta filed the divorce petition before the family court in Delhi.
The family court had observed that Sangeeta couldn’t prove the fact that Gomes had embraced Hindu religion before she married him and hence the divorce could not be granted under the Hindu Marriage Act.
Sangeeta had challenged this order in the high court, which also dismissed her petition.
Zee Tv again going to show the marriage of a Sikh girl with a Hindu clean shaved boy in the end of December 2010, as per Anand Kaaraj as did it earlier. They project it as strengthning of two cultures.
Though my all efforts proved unsuccessful to stop ZEE TV to telecast this serial but they misused their TV Channel. If they really can dare to show the relations between two cultures--- I suggest and challenge them to make a serial on same theme but with different character and screenplay. They should show the marriage of a Hindu boy with a Muslim girl if these cowards have any guts.
Anand kaaraj can only be performed where both Bride and Groom are Sikhs but ZEE Tv falsely preaches the Sikh religion. It provokes the Sikh girls to marry Hindus-clean shaved boys (Patits) but the ignorants can only be influenced. This is a clear violation of Sikh Code of Conduct and the orders of Guru Gobind Singh ji.
Guru ji did not allow it. (See http://52orders.blogspot.com/).Is this marriage allowed?
The SGPC, DSGMC & other Sikh leaders are silent spectators.
Shame on them.
What about you Sikhs?
The great Britain and other western countries still feel obliged to Sikhs and regard them. They do not discrimnate, no injustice, no discrepancy, no interference in religion but this nation India is a thankless nation.
In it's freedom movement the maximum sacrifices are given by Sikhs (93%) but even then since the day India got independence it started discrimination with Sikhs. http://gandhisikhsandcongress.blogspot.com/ & http://randhawacalling.blogspot.com/ We are sorry to say this act of ZEE TV is another attack on Sikh religion and we fear our survival in India if promotion and telecast of this serial "preet ki bandhi ye dori Ram milaai jodi" other such discriminatory and humiliating serials not stopped.
There are weaknesses in every community. Hindu Brahmins are not exemption, they too drink wines, eat meat but could their this act be promotede ? No then why if Some Sikh youths are not following religious bindings, no one has a right to justify it-Nor the ZEE TV or any other media channel.
So the organizers of ZEE TV have proved themselves as traitor of this nation. You have compelled we Sikhs to realize that India is not safe for us. There is no justice but a direct interference in our religion. Any scoundrel can dare to humiliate Sikh religion. The members of Censor board can be gifted or bribed to get the No Objection Certificate without any verification. There is no law of the land for you people of RSS.
35. Media surveys and studies are routinely undertaken in western countries but are rare in India. The world never gets to know the reality prevailing in the Indian Media and consequently in India. According to a survey that took place sometime back the electronic and print Media is fully controlled by Brahmins and upper caste Hindus for the benefit of their order and to the detriment of all others. The survey took into account 37 Media establishments considered to comprise the whole of the ‘national Media.’ It found the modern democratic establishments caught in the vice of ancient Manu’s caste system. It was discovered that 71% high caste Hindus held the topmost decision making positions. In the nineties of the last century, India’s Dalit population was 150 million but not even one Dalit was working as a correspondent or a sub-editor with any daily paper. This controlled Media, subscribing to the permanent majority’s perception about the Sikhs as enemies, has always played a leading role in India’s suppression drives against the Sikhs.
35. Media surveys and studies are routinely undertaken in western countries but are rare in India. The world never gets to know the reality prevailing in the Indian Media and consequently in India. According to a survey that took place sometime back the electronic and print Media is fully controlled by Brahmins and upper caste Hindus for the benefit of their order and to the detriment of all others. The survey took into account 37 Media establishments considered to comprise the whole of the ‘national Media.’ It found the modern democratic establishments caught in the vice of ancient Manu’s caste system. It was discovered that 71% high caste Hindus held the topmost decision making positions. In the nineties of the last century, India’s Dalit population was 150 million but not even one Dalit was working as a correspondent or a sub-editor with any daily paper. This controlled Media, subscribing to the permanent majority’s perception about the Sikhs as enemies, has always played a leading role in India’s suppression drives against the Sikhs.
Rahul Gandhi, sion of Nehru family and General Secretary of Congress party of India declares RSS and SIMI (student wing of Muslims) as anti national. I don't understand why govt of India is so incapable to take any action against these anti-national people of RSS like Raj Thakre, bal Thakre, Mohan bhagwat etc? This leaves an insecurity to the minorities of India like we Sikhs also, to whom RSS is always on attack to abolish our culture.
This serial Ram Milaai Jodi by ZEE TV is the latest example as attack on on our survival, on our culture.
You have succeeded in showing the ANAND KAARAJ (Wedding as per Sikh customs) of a Sikh girl with a Hindu boy which is restricted by Guru Gobind Singh ji and in Sikh code of Conduct. It shows how much do the Hindus regard Guru Gobind Singh ji. The Sikh community is sleeping. The highest seat of Sikhism has once again proved itself puppet of Parkash Singh Badal-an ally of BJP. They could not take any action though you have violated the Sikh code of conduct openly without any fear like Lala Jagat Narayan did in Punjab.
No doubt ! you have done whatever you could do. I can only wish if anyone may teach you a lesson like Lala Jagat Naraian. I shall be the happiest man on that day.
Alas my dream may come true.
I want to ask is there any pro Sikh organization, any elected Sikh body, any rich Sikh, any true Sikh who may file a lawsuit against ZEE TV and stop the telecast of this serial? The lawsuit can be filed in all those countries where ZEE TV telecast it's programs. Such true Sikhs may please email me at smartrandhawa@in.com/
I need your moral and financial support to fight with these anti-Sikh forces.
ZEE TV has played with the sentiments of Sikhs. The making of the serial Ram Milaai Zodi' is a direct attack on Sikh culture. Earlier in 1984, the govt of India stormed at Golden Temple and tried to eliminate Sikhs and suppress the remaing but they it could not succeeded in their dirty plan.
'Z'TV has again played mockery with Sikhs to-day on 11th Nov-10,
In the serial Sanjog se bani SANGINI', Monday to Thursday, 10.00pm to 10.30 pm-- Just watch the replay. You will see yourself, the main Character RUDRA & his Grandfather in Sikh guise, just look at their ready made turbans and beards.
I am sure if Americans see this serial, they shall not be able to differentiate the Sikhs from Muslims and they can be attacked & killed again.
Earlier i objected to their nefarious design to promote Sikh girls to marry non-Sikh boys in another serial. The 'Z TV' is playing with sentiments of Sikhs deliberately.
It is going to telecast another serial with a Punjabi Title named 'BHAGONWALI' they will certainly play with our sentiments again. if they had no such idea, they could name it 'BHAGYASHALINI' but they have lost their trust and i doubt if they may not repeat any such defamation again.
Then again in 1984, aftermath of killing of it's tainted Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who was responsible for attack on Golden Temple and misuse of Indian army, (http://violatingfaith.blogspot.com/) the govt of India provoked the Hindu majority to eliminate Sikhs. A massacre was planned and Amitabh Bacchan the famous cine actor was called to incite Hindus to spill the blood of Sikhs. See full report at;
When all the efforts of govt failed to suppress Sikhs, it started attacking the Sikh culture because by abolishing the culture Sikhs shall easily be diverted to Hinduism. The Hindu fanatic organizations and agencies are thus promoted to abolish Sikh culture. The RSS and it's sister concerns are playing a major role in this project. See;
The organizers of this ZEE Tv are the active members of RSS. To misguide and promote Sikh girls to marry non-Sikh Mona, boys, they have deliberately projected this drama. So that the popularity through it's serial and power of media the young generation of Sikhs be diverted and lured to Hinduism.
Balwinder Singh ji reveals; They do seem to have hidden anti Sikh agenda. Very very clever people. They give you slow dose of pro Hinduism and anti Sikh hatred. Sugarcoated hidden into their programs. I figured that out a long time ago and have always kept my children away from Z channels. They will sure slowly brainwash your younger generation and make them Hindus. Actually they ARE doing it right now and its working. Ask your young ones if they know Chaar Sahibzade, Panj Pyare or Das Guru Sahiban's names. You will be shocked how much they know about Ram, Sita, Laxman, Hanuman, Krishan, Ganesh, Shiva and Mata. Wonder where they learn that all? From Hindu media only.
I sent an email to Nitin Vaidya at his email; nitin.vaidya@gmail.com/ and requested him to stop playing this serial which is highly offensive in nature and a challenge to Sikh culture but he did not respond.See the screenshot copy of the mail;



Is this a Sikh family ?
Recently ZEE TV has launched a TV Serial as ' PREET SE BANDHI YE DORI RAM MILAAYI JODI'. The main character of this serial is presented as an Amritdhari Sikh. He weras all the five kakaars mandatory for a Gursikh. But to dismay all the other members of his family are shown cutsurd? His brother is portrayed as a drunkard and with shorn hairs. His two daughters have cut their hairs in front.
Is she a Sikh girl ?
He arranges the marriage of his elder daughter with a Non-Sikh. His no one relative who attends the wedding is Sikh. All are Monas-cutsurd. I don't know what kind of Sikh family they are going to project.
A Sikh doctor writes as; Shame on those Girls who betrayed their Great Guru's..and their Religion ...Im a woman too...but I feel ashamed on these woman and their so called Fake Love...Its better to die then to Marry a Muslim or a Hindu...its a disgrace betrayin My Father who made me princess...but these woman love 2 be called as slaves....On hearin this post,i am proud to be a Sikh Woman. Thanks Ajmer Ji, for this Info....Guru Fateh.
Inside view of a Sikh home ?
10th Sikh Guru Gobind Singh ji have ordered his Sikhs in his 52 Orders given to Sikhs. (No. 38) That a Sikh shall give the hand of his daughter only in that home where Sikhi is followed and with a suitable Sikh groom only. Here this Sikh (Amritdhari Sikh, who is bound to follow all rituals and bindings of religion) gives his consent to marry a non-Sikh and violates the orders of his Guru. Which is shameful on his part.
38)- Sir munae noo kanaiaa nahi devni. Os ghar devni jithae Akal Purukh di sikhi haI, jo karzaai naa hove, bhale subhaa da hove, bibeki ate gyanvaan hove - Do not given a daughter's hand to a clean shaven. Give her hand in a house where God's Sikhi exists, where the household is not in debt, is of a good nature, is disciplined and knowledgeable.
Not the ZEE TV has violated the Guru's orders only but also violates the present Sikh Code of Conduct;
The Sikh marriage; http://www.searchsikhism.com/marriage.html
(2)- The marriage of the daughter is to be held with a Sikh boy only.
(5)- The RING CEREMNOY is not mandatory but if willing to do this ritual then the parents of the girl may invite the parents and other relatives of boy and A KIRPAN, IRON BRACELET (KADAA) AND SOME SWEETS be given to the boy in the presence of SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI but only after the ARDAS ( SIKH PRAY).
(9)- At the time of wedding the Granthi Singh or who shall recite the Gurabani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji for their wedding may start the ceremony with the consent of congregation and request the parents or guardian to stand up to perform the Atdas before four laawan (4 circles around SGGS) takes place.
(10)- Those who do not follow Sikh religion, their marriage is not allowed by Anand ritual.
Last year in 2009, Punjab and Haryana High Court issued a verdict on definition of Sikh which states as follows. By going through this verdict, the organizers of ZEE TV can not lower the dignity by airing this serial.
Is she a Hinu girl or Sikh girl with Hindu boy ?
This is the right answer where a Hindu is lured by true preachings of Guru and embraced Sikhism. Just see the grace on his face in turban.
Why not ZEE TV telecast this change?
Definition of a Sikh by Punjab and Haryana High Court.
Gurleen Kaur v. State of Punjab , (P&H)(FB)
2009(3) R.C.R.(Civil) 324 : 2009(3) S.C.T. 165 : 2009(3) P.L.R. 324
Before :- J.S. Khehar, Jasbir Singh and Ajay Kumar Mittal, JJ.
C.W.P No. 14859 of 2008. D/d. 30.05.2009.
30.05. 2009
Gurleen Kaur and others - Petitioners
State of Punjab and others - Respondents
(2). Retaining hair unshorn is a fundamental tenet of the Sikh religion.
[Paras 140, 143, 146, 147 and 149]
B. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925, Section 2(9), 2(10) - Courts have power to determine whether a
particular right of observance is regarded as essential by the tenets of religion - It is within the jurisdiction of Court to decide, whether or not, keeping one's hair unshorn is an essential tenet of the Sikh religion.
[Paras 27, 28 and 67]
C. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925, Section 2(9), 2(10), 2(10A) and 11 - Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Act, 1971, Section 2 - Meaning of the term "Sikh","Sehajdhari Sikh", "Keshadhari Sikh", "Amritdhari Sikh" and "Patit" - Held -
(1). A Sikh, essentially is a person who professes the Sikh religion - To determine, whether or not, a person professes the Sikh religion, it would have to be determined, whether or not, he abides by the "Sikh rehat-maryada".
(2). A "Sehajdhari Sikh" is essentially a "Keshadhari Sikh"(i.e who maintains his hair unshorn) - A Sehajdhari Sikh has to be Keshadhari.
(3). A "patit" is one who inter-alia "shaves his beard or keshas". A "patit" is not entitled to any benefit of office or authority under the Gurdwara Act of 1925.
(4). Retaining hair unshorn is an essential requirement for a Sikh to be entitled to claim the least of the rights referred to under the Act.
(5). According to Sikh rehat-maryada formulated by SGPC in 1945 unshorn hair not only is a mandate to a person who professes Sikhism, it is also a command to him to adopt the same practice for his child as well.
[Para 45, 48, 57, 65, 66, 67 and 72]
D. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925, Section 45 - Eligibility for election as a member of Board of Section, SGPC - Held -
A Sikh who is not a "Patit" i.e. a "keshadhari", has the right to be on the electoral rolls - As such, the right to vote, is only vested in a "keshadhari Sikh". - Despite being a "keshadhari", and as such, a "sehajdhari Sikh", a person cannot be elected to the Board of the SGPC unless he has proceeded to acquire the higher form as an "amritdhari Sikh" - A person cannot be nominated as a member of the Board, if he is a "patit" - He must, therefore, be a "keshadhari Sikh", and as such, must be satisfying the requirement of a "sehajdhari Sikh" even for being nominated to the Board of the S.G.P.C. - Meaning of word of "Patit" explained.
[Para 46]
E. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925 - Sikh Ardas - Meaning - The word "ardas" in Persian means, a petition/memorial/address to a superior authority - The "Sikh ardas" is made to God - It is an evolute of the community's heart in prayed over the centuries - The "Sikh ardas" is the ritual prayer, which Sikhs individually or in congregation recite, morning and evening, and in fact, whenever they perform a religious service, and even at the beginning of all family, public or religious functions - The "Sikh ardas" seeks protection against evils like lust, wrath, greed, attachment and pride - It incorporates words of thanks giving, and also seeks God's blessings - English translation of ardas.
[Paras 58, 59 and 60]
F. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925 - Sikh rehat-maryada (Sikh behaviour and conduct) as formulated by S.G.P.C in 1945 explained.
Para 127]
G. Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925 - Historical background of enactment of Sikh Gurdwaras Act and its territorial jurisdiction explained.
In view to our protest against the serial, I would like to state that the telecast of this serial on Television is violation of Sikh code of conduct and a direct challenge to the Orders of 10th Master of religion Guru Gobind Singh ji which are mandatory for the Sikhs to be obeyed.
1)- that the main character of this staged drama is an Amritdhari Sikh. (The definition of a Sikh is already given by the hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in it’s decision dated 30-05-09, Reference of case C.W.P No. 14859 of 2008.
Dt 30-05-09). He wears a Kirpan and display his enlightend, flowing beard which project him a complete Sikh. He is projected as a true sikh who flaws his beard, follow the Sikh customs and citural values by wearing all the 5 Kakars but on the other side he violates them. How is it possible? What message does the producer/director wants to convey to Sikh community?
Either the story writer, Director and producer etc are ignorant of the Sikh code of Conduct and religious bindings which are mandatory for a Gursikh or it is done deliberately to abolish Sikh culture.
2)- The son of this Sikh character is shown as clean shaved whereas the (5). According to Sikh Rahat-Maryada formulated by SGPC in 1945 unshorn hair not only is a mandate to a person who professes Sikhism, it is also a command to him to adopt the same practice for his child as well.
The serial violates it.
3)- that the a marriage of his daughter is arranged with a Hindu clean shaved boy, which according to the Sikh code of conduct can not be held. The marriage of a Sikh girl is thus not valid.
It clearly states that the marriage of a Sikh girl be held with a Sikh boy only. The 38th order of the 10th master directs the Sikhs & states as follows:-
38)- Do not give a daughter's hand to a clean shaven. Give her hand in a house where God's Sikhi exists,
The Sikh code of conduct, abides the parents of Sikh girls as follows:-
(2)- The marriage of the daughter is to be held with a Sikh boy only. (Page.41, no.02) It further states;
10)- Those who do not follow Sikh religion, their marriage is not allowed by Anand ritual. (Page 41, no.11).
It also abides Sikhs the marriage of Sikhs are to be held through the religious ritual—-ANAND only and it’s mandatory for all Sikhs.
The Sikh marriage completes by taking four circles of the Guru –Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and this is restricted for non Sikhs.
(9)- At the time of wedding the Granthi Singh or who shall recite the Gurabani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji for their wedding may start the ceremony with the consent of congregation and request the parents or guardian to stand up to perform the Ardas before four laawan (4 circles around SGGS) takes place.
This is called the Anand kaaraj, as per Sikh code of conduct.
K. Constitution of India, Articles 25 to 30 - Meaning of word religion - Whether of not, a Court can decide what aspects of a particular religion, of constitute essentials of that religion, and what do not - Whether it is open to a Court to enter into the arena of "religion" and to decipher the essentials of that religion, constitute essentials thereof - Held -
(1) The word 'religion' has not been defined in the Constitution and indeed it is a term which is hardly susceptible of any rigid definition.
(2) Religion must be perceived as it is, and not as another would like it to be - It is this spirit of religious consciousness that is sought to be protected by various provisions of the Constitution of India.
[Paras 18, 19 and 21]
By displaying the promotions and this serial, “Zee TV’ violates the Sikh code of conduct deliberately and challenges the 52 Orders of the 10th master of the religion Guru Gobind Singh ji which are not acceptable to we Sikhs and we hereby request you to stop further projection & promotion on TV and elsewhere through videos. If allowed, it may send a wrong message to the Sikh youths and it will become more difficult for a minority to keep its survival already being challenged on various fronts by western culture.
In 1984, an attempt was similarly made to eliminate Sikhs by Amitabh bacchan, appearing LIVE on Doordarsahn TV by inciting Hindus to kill Sikhs. He demanded blood. Now after 26 years “ZEE TV” has again made an attempt to abolish Sikh culture.
If all this goes on like this and allowed, it will be difficult for we Sikhs in minority to survive in India and save our tradition, our culture, our customs and our religion.
It is a direct attack on our Sikh culture too.
The organizers of ZEE TV are active members of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh who have only one motto to submerge Sikh religion into Hiduism. To achieve their goal, they are indulged in many anti-Sikh activities. They write against Sikhism on their websites and in their magzines and newspapers etc but now thorough this serial they have shown their true face again.
Subhash Chandra--the organizer of ZEE TV is an active member of RSS and runs it's sister wing as YSF (youth for seva).This is a sister organization of RSS, VHP, BAJRANG DAL.This Man is One of Them !
Please visit to view the 52 orders of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at;
I have pasted these 52 orders of 10th master of Sikh religion, Guru Gobind Singh ji who passed these orders to his Sikhs in Nanded before he went to heavenly abode in 1708.
My intention is to remind all Sikhs that they may feel abided by these orders and do good in their life by following these orders. i am sure he, who follows shall be a true Sikh of his master. So come, let us try to obey our master and follow these rules in our life.
Ajmer Singh Randhawa.
Please visit ;-